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Evan Reiter

Untowered Airport Operations Reference Material

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This NOTAM details procedures for operating in an uncontrolled/untowered airport environment in the United States. For BVA’s purposes, an untowered airport is any airport which would normally be untowered as well as any controlled airport that is uncontrolled due to ATC availability. 


At untowered airports, aircraft use standardized flight patterns and radio communications to operate safely without the coordination and traffic advisory assistance of a controller. Untowered airport procedures include communications and entries to and exits from the traffic pattern. Untowered airport procedures are designed to give pilots maximum awareness of other aircraft operating in the area. If all pilots follow the recommended procedures, aircraft will be able to safely merge into and out of the traffic flow without posing a threat to each other.


The attached document was last updated on September 6, 2020.


Untowered Airport Operations.pdf



Evan Reiter

Community Director
Administration Team

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